Episodes about "religious liberty"

The Philadelphia Nativist Riots

The Philadelphia Nativist Riots

The Philadelphia Nativist Riots of 1844 were sparked by tensions between Catholics and Protestants over religious indoctrination in public schools.

Pope Night

Pope Night

The anti-Catholic Pope Night was the pre-Revolutionary War import of the British Guy Fawkes revelries on November 5, until George Washington stopped it.

Eusebio Kino

Eusebio Kino

Fr. Eusebio Kino, S.J., was a 17th century Jesuit who ministered tirelessly to the native people of Arizona and Sonoran Mexico, fought for their dignity, and introduced cattle ranching.

Kentucky Catholics and Bourbon

Kentucky Catholics and Bourbon

Catholic families from Maryland moved to the Kentucky frontier where they established the Church and helped make Bourbon a thing.

The Martyrs of La Florida

The Martyrs of La Florida

Over the span of about 200 years, up to 1,000 Catholic missionaries and natives, were martyred in what is now the US Southeast.