Mother Catherine Spalding, founder of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, in Kentucky, spent 45 years building schools, orphanages, and infirmaries through her order.
Episodes about "religious women"
Catholics Fight Segregation in Florida
Three Sisters of St. Joseph were arrested in St. Augustine, Florida in 1913 for refusing to comply with segregation. Bishop Michael Curley supported the sisters
Mother Mary Lange, OSP
Mother Mary Lange, OSP founded the first religious community for black Catholic Americans, the Oblate Sisters of Providence, in Baltimore.
Sister Ignatia and Alcoholics Anonymous
Sister Ignatia co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous at St. Thomas Hospital in the 1930s. Her methods became important parts of the way AA works.
Mother Teresa in America
Mother Teresa, St. Teresa of Calcutta, founder of the Missionaries of Charity, an honorary citizen, spoke against abortion at the National Prayer Breakfast
The Carmelites of Port Tobacco
In 1790 four Carmelite nuns established a monastery at Port Tobacco, Maryland, making it the first women’s religious community in the new United States
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini overcame odds her entire life to make a huge difference for Italian immigrants in America, through trust in God’s providence, and her own tenacity
Sr. Miriam Michael Stimson
Without the discovery made by the Dominican scientist Sr. Miriam Michael Stimson, our knowledge of DNA would have been impossible.
Catholics at Gettysburg
Catholics, including the Daughters of Charity and St. Francis Xavier church were heavily involved in the Civil War battle of Gettysburg.