Episodes about "california"

Betty Hutton

Betty Hutton was “The Incendiary Blonde” of Hollywood, known for her high energy and her big singing voice. But her tragic personal life was only saved by a Catholic priest.

John Wayne

John Wayne

John Wayne cultivated a rugged and tough, but family-friendly on-screen persona. But in his private life, it wasn’t until his death that he mended his ways.

Harry Warren

Harry Warren

Harry who? Harry Warren was one of the most prolific and successful American songwriters, with hits on Broadway and in Hollywood.

Clare Boothe Luce

Clare Boothe Luce

In her life, Clare Boothe Luce was a Congresswoman, ambassador, playwright, war correspondent, and advisor to presidents. Tom and Noëlle Crowe tell us how this remarkable woman went from a dissolute socialite to a woman of deep Catholic faith brought about by a personal tragedy that caused her to re-encounter Christ.
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John McLoughlin, Father of Oregon

John McLoughlin, Father of Oregon

Before Oregon and Washington were US states, John McLoughlin was in charge of essentially all of the Pacific Northwest. He was a larger than life presence.

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock was a master filmmaker who created some of the most compelling movies of the 20th century. Tom and Noëlle Crowe also tell us that Hitchcock was a Catholic for whom the Catholic worldview pervaded his films and informed his view of good and evil and justice.
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Irene Dunne

Irene Dunne

Irene Dunne was one of the most successful and famous actresses of Hollywood’s golden age, as well as a down-to-earth wife and mother and a devout Catholic.

Fr. Patrick Peyton

Fr. Patrick Peyton

Fr. Patrick Peyton coined the phrase “the family that prays together stays together.” His “family theatre” program inspired thousands, and he helped the CIA.

Patrick Manogue

Patrick Manogue

Irish immigrant Patrick Manogue made a fortune in the California gold rush before going to seminary, and eventually becoming first bishop of Sacramento.