The Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon, just outside Youngstown, Ohio, is a pilgrimage site for Maronites across the country.
Episodes about "places and buildings"
Old St. Mary, Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Old St. Mary Church in Pine Bluff, Arkansas was originally built on a barge in 1786, and is the birthplace of Catholicism in Arkansas.
Our Lady of La Leche
The oldest shrine to Our Lady, the Blessed Mother Mary, in the United States is the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine, Florida.
St. Mary of Sorrows and Clara Barton
During the Second Battle of Bull Run during the Civil War, Clara Barton, founder of the Red Cross, nursed wounded soldiers on the grounds of St. Mary of Sorrows
Venerable Nelson Baker
Venerable Nelson Baker trusted everything to Our Lady of Victory, and through her intercession built institutions and a Basilica in Lackawanna, near Buffalo, New York.
Roman Martyrs in a Kentucky Catholic Church
The relics of two Roman Martyrs rest in St. Martin of Tours, a Louisville, Kentucky Catholic Church. Anti-Catholicism plays a role in this whole story
The Ark and The Dove and the Foundation of Maryland
In 1634, The Ark and The Dove, two ships owned by Lord Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, arrived at St. Clement Island where settlers founded the Maryland colony
The Pope’s Stone and the Washington Monument
Pope Pius IX donated “The Pope’s Stone” to be included in the Washington Monument. Know Nothings stole it, and dumped it in the river near Washington, DC.
The Carmelites of Port Tobacco
In 1790 four Carmelite nuns established a monastery at Port Tobacco, Maryland, making it the first women’s religious community in the new United States