Episodes about "priest"

Father Ferdinand Farmer

Father Ferdinand Farmer

When Jesuit Father Ferdinand Farmer came to the US colonies before the Revolution, they were bitterly divided by religious intolerance. Tom and Noëlle tell us how his selfless, tireless efforts did much to break down the walls and help the Catholic faith to gain respect.

The True Story Behind The Exorcist

The True Story Behind The Exorcist

The Exorcist is one of the scariest movies and books of all time, but Tom and Noëlle Crowe tell us of the true story behind it: the exorcism of a teenage boy in 1949 in Maryland and Missouri, the tenacious priests who wouldn’t give him up, and the Archangel that finally freed him.
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North American Martyrs

North American Martyrs

Sts. Isaac Jogues, Rene Goupil, and John de Lalande were the first Jesuit martyrs to give their lives for Christ in what was then New France in the 1640s.

Ven. Antonio Margil de Jesús

Ven. Antonio Margil de Jesús

Fray Antonio Margil was the “The Friar of the Winged Feet” who evangelized much of Central America, Mexico, and present day Texas and Louisiana.

Fr. Gabriel Richard

Fr. Gabriel Richard

Fr. Gabriel Richard helped found the University of Michigan, tirelessly worked to evangelize Detroit, and helped rebuild the city after a devastating fire.

Eusebio Kino

Eusebio Kino

Fr. Eusebio Kino, S.J., was a 17th century Jesuit who ministered tirelessly to the native people of Arizona and Sonoran Mexico, fought for their dignity, and introduced cattle ranching.

John Dubois

John Dubois

John Dubois was friend to Robespierre, Patrick Henry, and Lafayette, founded Mount St. Mary’s in Emmitsburg and fought trusteeism as bishop of New York.