Fr. Juan de Padilla accompanied Coronado into what is today Kansas and became the first martyr on American soil for his efforts to evangelize.
Episodes about "missionary"
St. Damien of Molokai
Fr. Damien de Veuster arrived in Hawaii in 1864 as a missionary. He ministered to the leper colony at Kalaupapa, Molokai, where he died of leprosy.
St. Rose Priory and the Coming of the Dominicans
St. Rose Priory in Kentucky is the original home of the Dominicans in America. Dominic Edward Fenwick brought the Order of Preachers to the US and established them on the Kentucky frontier.
Fr. Pierre-Jean de Smet, SJ
The Jesuit missionary Fr. de Smet met, befriended, and evangelized nearly every native tribe west of the Mississippi in the mid-19th century and, as Tom and Noëlle Crowe tell us, was prized among nearly everyone for his joy, his wisdom, his holiness, and his tirelessness in bringing Christ to all he could meet.
Father Ferdinand Farmer
When Jesuit Father Ferdinand Farmer came to the US colonies before the Revolution, they were bitterly divided by religious intolerance. Tom and Noëlle tell us how his selfless, tireless efforts did much to break down the walls and help the Catholic faith to gain respect.
Bishop Simon Bruté
The French-born Bishop Simon Bruté, first bishop of Vincennes, Indiana, was a famed intellectual and missionary. He was even associated with Napoleon Bonaparte. But Tom and Noëlle Crowe tell us he was also a simple man of deep faith and very humble with a lasting impact.
North American Martyrs
Sts. Isaac Jogues, Rene Goupil, and John de Lalande were the first Jesuit martyrs to give their lives for Christ in what was then New France in the 1640s.
Ven. Antonio Margil de Jesús
Fray Antonio Margil was the “The Friar of the Winged Feet” who evangelized much of Central America, Mexico, and present day Texas and Louisiana.
Sister Blandina of Cincinnati
Sister Blandina spent decades helping immigrants in Cincinnati realize the American dream while holding onto their faith, and aiding women and children.